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Spiritual Training Cycle: Foundation (wk. 8/13)


This month we are working on the spiritual exercise of Bible Study. Bible Study makes Scripture come alive. Our hope is that as you work through these studies, God’s Word becomes more clearly illuminated and nestles more deeply in your heart. May the peace of Christ go with you!



Athletes often experience dramatic transformations—not just in physical appearance but also in mindset and confidence. They move from being unsure and struggling to becoming empowered and purposeful. Spiritually, we experience an even greater transformation through faith in Jesus. In Ephesians 2:1-10, Paul describes the radical shift from spiritual death to new life in Christ. This is more than a makeover; it’s a new identity, rooted in God’s grace and created for good works.



  • Author: The Apostle Paul, writing during his imprisonment in Rome.

  • Audience: The church in Ephesus, a city known for its diverse culture and devotion to the goddess Artemis. The Ephesian Christians needed encouragement and instruction to live out their faith in a challenging environment.

  • Context: Paul spends the first three chapters of Ephesians exploring God’s work in salvation and the identity of believers, while the latter chapters focus on practical application.

In this passage, Paul reminds believers of their past (spiritual death), their present (salvation by grace), and their future (a life created for good works).


Key Themes

  1. From Death to Life (v. 1-5)

    Paul paints a vivid picture of humanity’s spiritual condition apart from Christ: dead in sin, enslaved by the world, the flesh, and the devil, and deserving of God’s wrath. But God, rich in mercy and love, intervenes, bringing new life through Christ.

  2. Salvation by Grace Through Faith (v. 6-9)

    Paul emphasizes that salvation is a gift from God—not something we can earn. Faith is the means by which we receive this gift, and grace is the unmerited favor that transforms us.

  3. Created for Good Works (v. 10)

    While good works don’t save us, they are the evidence of a transformed life. God’s grace re-creates us with purpose, empowering us to walk in the works He prepared for us.


How Faith in Jesus Transforms Us

  1. Identity: We move from being defined by sin to being defined by God’s love.

  2. Purpose: We are no longer aimless but are given a mission to reflect God’s glory.

  3. Position: We go from being spiritually dead to being raised with Christ and seated with Him.

  4. Future: We are assured of eternal life and called to live as God’s workmanship now.


Discussion Questions

  1. Verses 1-3 describe life apart from Christ. What aspects of this description resonate with your own experiences before coming to faith?

  2. Paul emphasizes grace in verses 8-9. Why do you think it’s so difficult for people to accept that salvation is a gift, not something earned?

  3. Verse 10 says we are God’s workmanship, created for good works. How can you discern the “good works” God has prepared for you?

  4. How does embracing your new identity in Christ impact the way you live, make decisions, or interact with others?



  1. Reflect on Your Story: Spend time considering where God has brought you from and how He has transformed your life.

  2. Live Out Your Identity: Take steps to align your actions with your identity in Christ. This might mean serving others, sharing your faith, or pursuing greater intimacy with God.

  3. Embrace Grace: Let go of striving to “earn” God’s favor and rest in His gift of grace.


Closing Reflection

Through faith in Jesus, we move from spiritual death to life, from being enslaved by sin to being empowered by grace. Our new identity isn’t just a fresh start—it’s a complete transformation. As God’s workmanship, we are uniquely created to reflect His love and fulfill His purpose. Let’s live out this new identity with gratitude and confidence, knowing that we are His and that He has prepared good works for us to do.



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