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Writer's picture: Andy NeillieAndy Neillie

Spiritual Training Cycle: Submission (wk. 3/13)


ACE. ISSA. JODCC. L1/L2/L3/L4. MPT. NASM. NCSF. USJF.What do all these acronyms have in common?  Every one of them reflects a professional organization that trains and certifies coaches in specific athletic disciplines such as CrossFit, gymnastics, judo, or strength training. Through these training and certification programs, coaches can earn a level of expertise that ensures they guide their athletes toward improved performance.


As an example, the CrossFit gym I belong to requires all our coaches to have earned their Level Two (L2) CrossFit certification. To earn this L2 certification, each of our coaches signed up for a program where they spent significant time under the watchful eye of a more capable CrossFit senior coach. This senior coach trains, mentors, observes and ultimately tests L2 applicants to ensure they can bring the best out of the athletes they coach.


Guidance is necessary for physical growth

As an athlete with some limitations who needs to modify my workouts periodically, I’ve benefited from the guidance these L2-certified coaches can give me.  Indeed, for a particular high-intensity workout one day last week that included repeat sets of rope climbs, wall-walks, handstand push-ups and toes-to-bar, I needed to modify all four exercises.  My coach knew my limitations and he also knew what guidance to give me so that I would get the maximum benefit from these modifications.


Guidance is also necessary for spiritual growth

When we think of God, we often imagine the powerful creator of the universe, sitting on a heavenly throne.  We also often think of him in human form as Jesus our savior.  It is frequently more difficult for believers to have a clear view of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the trinity.

However, Jesus spoke about the Holy Spirit in the last lengthy conversation he had with his disciples before his death, during what is known as the Last Supper.  In this discussion, as Jesus is letting his disciples know he will be leaving them, he promises to send the Holy Spirit to be with them forever.  In this passage of Scripture, he calls the Holy Spirit “The Spirit of Truth.”


The good news for the disciples

Throughout this Last Supper, Jesus’ disciples were confused about where he was going and what the future looked like. Jesus himself even acknowledges that they still had many things they didn’t understand. The good news for them?  Jesus promised that when the Holy Spirit came, they would no longer need to be confused:


“When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things to come.  He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.” – John 16:13-14


The good news for us

If we identify as followers of Christ who have been reunited with God through Jesus’ death, we are spiritual descendants of those disciples who attended the Last Supper.  The same Spirit of Truth promised to them is available to guide us in our spiritual growth.


Questions for Reflection:

What is your understanding of the Holy Spirit?


What does it mean to realize the Holy Spirit is our spiritual guide?


How do you better connect with the Holy Spirit?


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