Spiritual Training Cycle: Submission (wk. 10/13)
“Trust the process.” You’ve probably heard that at some point throughout your life. You may even say it to yourself when you start to question a challenge you’re facing, or you’re not seeing results from a fitness and nutrition program as quickly as you’d like. We get impatient, we want to take matters into our own hands, we want to take control of the situation. We get distracted from our own journey when we look to the right and left. We see others succeeding at a faster pace, we see someone who is faster, stronger, and fitter than us. We start to question the process when we take our eyes off our own path.
“Trust the programming” is something I’ve had to learn the hard way. I’ve trained for triathlons, marathons, body building, and CrossFit competitions all of which I’ve paid someone to coach and guide me to success. And historically I’ve strayed from the programming and the process because I got scared of taking a rest day even when it was built into my schedule, or I’d add another workout because what my coach wrote “wasn’t enough.” When I was living life by my AppleWatch if my activity ring wasn’t closed, I had to do another workout. Inevitably I would wind up over-trained, underfed, peaking my performance at the wrong time (before the race, not on the race day) and injured.
How can you trust the programming when you don’t even give it a chance? How did I learn to trust the programming after years of “kind of” following what my coaches suggested? Day by day I released control and placed my faith in knowing my coaches knew what they were doing. They knew what it took to coach an athlete. All I had to do was stick to the plan.
Faithfulness in a fitness program and in our spiritual life is a response. It’s active. It takes practice of letting go of trying to control everything and inviting God to lead us. Just as my coaches knew what to program for me to win a race or an event, God knows what you need to live a life according to his will and purpose for you. There’s even an entire how-to manual with God-breathed scripture to inspire us and show us the way. When we choose faithfulness every day, we demonstrate our trust that God is in control.
In Matthew 14:28-31, Peter struggled with the same distractions; fear of what was going on around him and losing control. Just to give you some background, Peter hung out with Jesus a lot. You’d think he would know that Jesus had his back, yet Peter doubted:
Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” “Yes, come,” Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water towards Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted. Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?” Matthew 14:28-31
Peter trusted Jesus, he stepped off the boat onto the water and started to walk towards Him. But once he took his eyes off Jesus and looked around him, he was flooded with fear. A few verses before this interaction takes place Jesus told Peter not to be afraid. But here Scripture says, “but when he saw that strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink.” How quickly he doubted the power of the Lord. Peter fixed his eyes on what was going on around him instead of keeping his focus on Jesus, the only one who could help him do the impossible, to walk on water.
God wants to do the impossible in our lives, but often like Peter we fix our eyes only on what we can control. We place our faith in unsteady, sinking material things and people instead of placing our faith in God. He knows what’s best, he wants us to have bold, big faith. He invites us into faithfulness “yes, come” and our response is to let go, let him lead, and trust the process.
Questions for Reflection:
What areas of your life have you been trying to control that leave you exhausted, over-trained, underfed, and injured?
What does it look like in a practical way to release control in those areas and hand it over to God? Who can you think of in your life who can walk alongside you to help you place your faith in God?